Monday, May 31, 2010

My generation scares the hell out of me.

I will be the first to tell you that I am not a soup can. I don’t do labels, and I have no designated “style.” I take my style from all of the different “labels” and combine them. I believe that each person is in charge of who they are, what they wear, and what media they watch, read, and listen too. I believe in the freedom of fandums, and I believe that every piece of literature (yes, even Twilight), got on the shelves for a reason. However, there is a FINE line between being a fan of something, and then being completely friggin’ insane.

Example A:

Honestly, what the hell? Ok, so being “emo” wasn’t enough, and now you have to go put on tails and leashes and call yourselves werewolves? I mean I understand that this is how they want people to notice them. In a sense it’s like crying “hey! Hey look at me! I’M DIFFERENT!” Ok fine, most people want to be seen as unique, but I believe that there are better ways to do it. You don’t have to be normal to fit it, but come on people! In a matter of 20 years we went from Goths to werewolves and vampires? I mean what happened?

Maybe I’m just missing something. I were to pull off something like this, my mom would probably be like “Um… no.” Not because she doesn’t like that sort of stuff, to be honest she is a big fan, but because there is a level of self respect and dignity that goes along with being “conformist.” You don’t have to dress like everyone else, but please just try to be human!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Live Action Pokemon movie I don't chose you!

With all of these books / video games / cartoons going live action movie on us, it's only a matter of time before 4Kids and Pokemon team up, and crap out a live action Pokemon movie. This, my friends, is a list of pre-pre-predictions of who they would cast in the movie so they could rank high in the box office and make tons of money buy killing us 90's kids souls. Enjoy.

(wiki people you don't know, because in all honesty I'm just to lazy)

Logan Lerman - Ash
Taylor Lautner - Brock
Ellen Page - Misty
Robin Williams as every single pokémon
Scarlett Johansson - Nurse Joy
Hugh Laurie - Prof. Oak
Christopher Walken - Giovanni
Demetri Martin - James
Sarah Silverman - Jessie
David Bowie - Mewtwo (because, why not?)
Brad Pitt - Lieutenant Surge (I just liked this character as a kid and thought Brad Pitt would be funny)

Directed by Wes Anderson

Just let it sink in.

New Blog, new day, new words

A blog. It’s a simple idea. Make a sort of mini-website generator so people can create their own little mini-sites and post about whatever they want.

The problem? Unoriginality. I’m quite tired of the hundreds of blogs that say nothing but “OMG i’m gong out to diner with b/f and dis girl wuz der how i hat GRRRR!” Seriously. It gets old. So I’ve decided to make a blog, and post ideas, thoughts, comments, and anecdotes that are not only important to me, but perhaps the others that choose to read this.

To anyone out there who is reading this, I can’t tell you what to expect. Consider this blog an experiment.