Monday, May 31, 2010

My generation scares the hell out of me.

I will be the first to tell you that I am not a soup can. I don’t do labels, and I have no designated “style.” I take my style from all of the different “labels” and combine them. I believe that each person is in charge of who they are, what they wear, and what media they watch, read, and listen too. I believe in the freedom of fandums, and I believe that every piece of literature (yes, even Twilight), got on the shelves for a reason. However, there is a FINE line between being a fan of something, and then being completely friggin’ insane.

Example A:

Honestly, what the hell? Ok, so being “emo” wasn’t enough, and now you have to go put on tails and leashes and call yourselves werewolves? I mean I understand that this is how they want people to notice them. In a sense it’s like crying “hey! Hey look at me! I’M DIFFERENT!” Ok fine, most people want to be seen as unique, but I believe that there are better ways to do it. You don’t have to be normal to fit it, but come on people! In a matter of 20 years we went from Goths to werewolves and vampires? I mean what happened?

Maybe I’m just missing something. I were to pull off something like this, my mom would probably be like “Um… no.” Not because she doesn’t like that sort of stuff, to be honest she is a big fan, but because there is a level of self respect and dignity that goes along with being “conformist.” You don’t have to dress like everyone else, but please just try to be human!

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